
And You Thought Batman & Robin was the Most Embarrasing Thing the Caped Crusader has Ever Done…

Batman Forever will forever (HA! Get it?!) be a guilty pleasure for me. Actually, the same goes for all three of us. From Jim Carrey playing Jim Carrey, to Tommy Lee Jones yucking it up as Lando Calrissian and Bat-nipples for days, what’s NOT to like?

There are many fond memories to be had about this movie. The game, on the other hand… now that’s a different story entirely.

Batman was no stranger to movie licensed games at the time. Batman 89 had a solid, if brutally difficult, game on the NES. Batman Returns had a surprisingly faithful adaptation on the SNES as well. Why not go for the Turkey?

Well, they kinda did, I mean, the game WAS a turkey, just not in the way they would have liked. What we got was a really stiff, nonsensical beat em up using digitized graphics opposed to sprites, a la Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat was a big hit with the kiddies, so if it LOOKS like MK, that should be enough to make it a success, right? Right?!

Well, when people remember your game almost exclusively for the ridiculously absurd names of the fodder enemies the game throws at you, I think you have your answer!

Side note: to make matters worse for me personally, I only ever played this particular game on the fucking GAME GEAR! What does THAT tell you?

This game is bad, and you should feel bad! If you wanna feel a little better tho, you could watch us go through it so you don’t have to! I hope you enjoy our pain!

If you like what you see, worry not! There is plenty more where that came from! Be sure to head on over to our YouTube Channel for more idiotic insanity! And while you’re there, don’t forget to Subscribe so you don’t miss out on future TRASH! Also, you might as well leave some comments while you’re at it and don’t forget to LIKE THAT SMASH BUTTON! EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!1!

Also, we like to make fools of ourselves on Twitch from time to time, too. Head over there now and give us a follow! You can make fun of our inability to play video games LIVE! So have at it! We can take it, I swear!

You can also bother us over on Facebook here if you want. Do kids today even still use Facebook? Whatever, couldn’t hurt, I guess.

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